Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Scarce Source

The nursing shortage is an issue that has an increase concern in the health care system today and that has been a threat to the quality of care and safety of the patients. â€Å"The shortage of nurses is not necessarily a shortage of individuals with nursing qualifications; it is a shortage of nurses willing to work in the present condition† (Buchan & Aiken, 2008, p. 3262). The changes in the government policies in the creation of the new measurements and compensation methods for better quality of care has increased a more critical working condition for the nursing profession. The United States will have a decline in the quality of health care and be jeopardizing the safety of the patients instead of having some positive outcomes. Nursing Shortage Influencing Factors There are five influencing factors that many of the researches have concluded: increase in the number of retiring nurses, noncompetitive salaries, nurse’s workload and role expectations, and increase opportunities outside the profession or going into administrative positions or other faculty positions. The decrease in the young people entering the nursing profession has increased the nursing shortage because is leaving the older nurses to come to their retiring year. The younger populations is also looking for a more stable profession and are going to other professions as a security blanket for their economic stability. Nurses are also faced with the dissatisfaction of having noncompetitive salaries in their nursing profession and are forced to look for a more stable opportunity outside the profession to meet their needs. Challenges and Consequences of not addressing the issue The nursing shortage must be addressed to find ways of overcoming the challenges and consequences of the issue to decrease the effects of having a negative impact on the health care system. To overcome the challenges and consequences one must look at the demand factors and supply factor in the specific countries or regions to deal with the nursing shortage. Some of the demand factors may be: â€Å"demographic and epidemiological trends, service use patterns and macroeconomic condition† (Buchan & Aiken, 2008, p. 264). Some of the supply factors might be: â€Å"improving recruitment, retention and return-getting, keeping and keeping in touch with these relatively scarce nurses† (Buchan & Aiken, 2008, p. 3266). The consequences of not addressing the issue of the nursing shortage will lead to an increase in the shortage, and poor health care outcomes, including a decrease in the quality of care, medical errors, patient injury, and increase in the infection and wound rates. Solution or Innovation The policy makers need to come up with a motive or a solution that will bring the younger population to enter the nursing profession and be able to retain that population in the profession for a long time. The solution of the issue for the nursing shortage is not easy, but by increasing different types of motives and recruiting methods definitely will decrease some of the nursing shortage. Policy makers should look at â€Å"intervening with educational vouchers and incentive for nurses† (Abrahamson, PhD, RN & Fox, PhD, 2009, p. 241). The method for increasing grants or educational loan forgiveness program will increase the incentive for the younger population to feel some kind of security in the nursing profession. Incentives for some of the younger nurses will include bonuses when hired, or an increase in the salary in competitive salaries, and a decrease in the workload in the profession. The government already has some of these solutions in progress, but a package of the incentives is a good idea to encourage the younger population to enter the nursing profession. Economic Investment The government is already investing in the nursing profession by the different programs starting to take place for the nursing profession, and increase the entry of the younger population into the nursing profession. By increasing the positive outcomes in the health care system the quality of care and safety of the patient will increase, and decreasing the possibility of mortality rates, infection or wound rates, medication errors or even patient injuries. For example one program is the Nursing Loan Repayment Program, which includes repaying the students loans if in agreement to practice at least two years in a health care organization. Public Efforts The older population should join in an effort to decrease in the nursing shortage by educating the young population, reinforcing the need for a better quality of care and the safety of the patient and also the importance of decreasing the nursing shortage in the health care system. The leaders of the health care system need to join and be able to develop some form of communication to promote the nursing profession, and in exchange be able to have a better health care system. Conclusion The shortage will continue to get worse if the working conditions do not improve, and the measurements for compensation do not improve in the health care system. The nursing shortage will have a positive outcome once there a good amount of adequate staffing to decrease the number of influencing factors that increase the nursing shortage. â€Å"Nurses are the main professional component of the front line staff in most health systems, and their contribution is recognized as essential to meeting developmental goals and delivering safe and effective care† (Buchan & Aiken, 2008, p. 3263).

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Failure Analysis Change Strategy Essay

Team â€Å"A† reveals the circumstances regarding the failure analysis of an hotelier and how a CEO leads an organizational change processes to prevent an impending failure of the company. To counterbalance the hotelier business failure analysis, the team discusses the success analysis of Apple Inc. The team identifies each organization’s mission and vision statements with a behavioral theory explanation discussing the success and failure indicators. Research focuses on which specific organizational behavior theories could possibly explain the company’s failure or success, bureaucrat’s roles, and organizational structure and culture. Leading organizational change identifies the most vital areas for change, potential barriers in the changing process, addressing political and power issues, and steps implementing the organizational using the John Kotter’s 8-step plan. Business Failure Analysis Apple’s Mission statement Apple does not clearly define a mission statement. According to Farfan (2014), â€Å"Apple ends their press releases with a statement that resembles what a traditional mission states is expected to be†¦Apple commits to bringing the best personal computing experience to students, educators, creative professionals and consumers around the world through innovative hardware, software and Internet offerings† (The Mission Statement, Global Vision, and Values of Apple, Inc.). Vision. Tim Cook, current CEO of Apple, does not have a simple vision for the company. During a 2009 interview, Cook mentions several values behind the company leading the vision Cook expects; â€Å"We believe that we are on the face of the earth to make great products and that’s not changing, we are constantly focusing on innovating and we believe in the simple, not the complex† (Hull 2012, para. 5). Apple’s Success. Apple’s approach to success bases itself on a  redesign by t he former CEO in 1997, Steve Jobs. Jobs partners with several organizations such as Microsoft and CompUSA forming a strategic alliance with Apple products. According to Finkle and Mallin (2010), Steve Jobs states â€Å"the reason why his companies have become so successful is because they hire the very best people in the world to work for them; his business savvy, negotiation skills, and propensity to take risks enable him to transform technology into companies that flourish† (p. 38). Apple’s leadership style is a major contribution in the company’s success. Charismatic, inspiring, flexible, receptive and free spirit describe former CEO Steve Job’s; constantly challenging employees and influencing a team environment where individuals can voice ideas (Toma and Marinescu, 2013). Apple’s Successful Behavioral Theories. Two behavioral theories contributing to Apple’s success during Steve Jobs tenure are the top-down creative process and situational â€Å"Zen like† transformational leadership style Job’s runs the organization with. Eliminating layers of bureaucracy enables Apple to conf orm in a transitioning global market possessing pioneering the technology into new markets. Top-Down Management. During Steve Jobs tenure at Apple, the company incorporates a strong top-down creative process eliminating bureaucracy. This enables information to go directly to Jobs and then filters to sub-teams as specific assignments for completion (Robbins & Judge, 2013, p. 506). This process eliminates a top-heavy culture of management increasing product to market response time. â€Å"Organizational behavior theories mirror the subject matter with which they deal, and people are complex and complicated† (Yukl, 2013, p. 15). Situational Leadership. Jobs address the market with a leadership style conforming to market demands. Eliminating a traditional culture of managers within Apple enables Jobs to manage Apple directly and effectively on a global scale. The situational leadership style works for Job’s as the passion toward the company, consumers, and operations are thought of on a global scale. on a cross functional global scale enables the company to adapt to needs and demands o n a global scale. Apple’s Organizational Leadership. Apple’s role of leadership during the Steve Jobs era concentrates on simplification; taking responsibilities end to end; when behind, leapfrog; put products before profit; don’t be a slave to focus  groups; bend reality; impute; push before perfection; know both the big picture and the details; tolerate only â€Å"A† players; engage face to face; combine the humanities with the sciences; and stay hungry and foolish† (Isaccson, 2012). Management. Apple’s managers posses extensive knowledge about the services and products competitors are providing for the market. This ability enables the organization to formulate new ideas raising the bar for their competitors; Apple takes innovation to a new level. Managers and leadership both seek new ideas taking technology into completely new areas. This in conjunction with a completely lean management approach contributes to extraordinary productivity at Apple (Sullivan, 2011). Organizational Structure. Apple’s organizational structure is simple. â€Å"There are no committees at Apple, general management is frowned upon, and only one person, the chief financial officer, has a responsibility for costs and expenses that lead to profits and losses† (Lashinsky, 2011). Culture. The culture at Apple is very informal and demanding from employees. Rather than a work/life balance many organizations proudly emphasize, Apple makes it clear throughout the organization that it seeks committing, extremely hard-working individuals. An example here on the company website proudly states: â€Å"This isn’t your cushy corporate nine to fiver† (Apple, 2014). This reinforcement repeats itself throughout the website instilling a demand for a culture to share an obsession getting every last detail right. â€Å"Leave your neckties, bring your ideas† (Apple, 2014). Innkeepers USA Trust Objectives and Mission Since its bankruptcy and other acquisitions, Innkeepers USA Trust objectives and mission possess no clear definition. Innkeepers USA Trust was widely known as one of leading owners of extended-stay and upscale hotel properties across the United States. In reference to O a real estate investment trust (REIT), Innkeepers USA Trust owns interest in several hotels in many states. The organization’s focal point at one time is to acquire, develop, rebrand, and reposition hotel properties. This organization’s general purpose, prior to failing, is to acquire and develop real estate investments increasing shareholder profit. Behavior theory predicting Innkeepers, USA Failure The company’s failures are a result of cutbacks on both business and consumer levels. With decreasing travel, increasing fuel costs, rising energy expense, an abundance of new hotels entering the market, and over $1 billion in debt, Innkeepers USA was forced to file bankruptcy (McCarty & Kary, 2010). Preventing the failure of Innkeepers USA Let’s look at some of the vital areas needing change at Innkeepers USA. â€Å"As property values fall and business dry up during the recession, Innkeeper USA cannot meet financial obligations paying down loans (Aquino, 2011). The organization must restructure and work its way out of bankruptcy. Evolving technology, world cultures, and property employee support need attention in order for the company to be successful. Through the use of evolving technology, the company creates the Hilton performance Advantage system. This system includes a global online service for customers and property owners. Specific customer service sites address every company location throughout the world and staff with employees who are fluent in their native languages. A global e-commerce team and revenue management consolidation center allows property managers to seek guidance from staff specializing in specified sales management and revenue topics. These teams assist with research, strategies, and ma nagement needs for individual property owners. Barriers to Change Technology education is one of the largest challenges. The organization organizational strategies to grow the company back to a profitability and sustainability state. As a result of the recession, most organizations decrease and terminate employee travel to minimize expenses. As a result, opportunities for online growth increase reaching customers on a global scale. Cultural issues need attention. Employees fluent in many languages are made available to assist customers in these cultures improving customer care. Each individual property needs evaluations to assess the needs of the demographics; properties cannot be cookie cutter designs. Employee support services create a cultural balance in the company. Educational support is on line; anytime, anywhere a company employee can receive the guidance they seek without waiting. This results from the installation of newer technologies. Power and Political Issues As Innkeepers USA Trust struggles with decreasing room revenue, debt burdens, and liquidity constraints, the real estate investment trust finds itself with power and political issues. Two perspectives of power issues in this organization are the finite and infinite perspective of power. The finite perspective of power is the competitive spirit of an organization that spurs productivity and focuses on winning. Through its competition and power perspective, the organization will ultimately diminish returns; in which Innkeepers USA Trust finds itself in this power struggle by oversupplying new hotels while room revenues are stagnate. Understanding Innkeepers USA Trust power and political struggles, issues require the infinite perspective of power and expert power. An infinite perspective of power seeks to understand that winning or losing is not the main issue. The purpose of an infinite power is to sustain. To sustain Innkeepers USA Trust, Learning Team A suggests acorporate strategy a pproach basing this on skill and knowledge. An example is Apple’s previous CEO, Steve Jobs. Job’s possess expert power. Job’s first hand involvement with many of Apple’s innovations creates a dependency the company relies on propelling innovation. According to Robbins & Judge (2013), expert power is one of the most effective bases of power to influence a company and is positively related to employee’s satisfaction (p. 416). Implementing Change To successfully implement change within Innkeepers USA Trust, Learning Team A suggests following Dr. John Kotter’s eight-step process. According to Kotter’s process, a majority of organizations fail because they do not take a holistic approach that is required to see the change (Robbins & Judge, 2013, p.586). The team will establish a sense of urgency creating a compelling reason as to the change, form a powerful coalition leading change, create a new vision to direct change, plan for, create, and reward short term wins that move the organization toward the new vision, reinforce the change by demonstrating the relationships between new behaviors and organizational success (Robbins & Judge, 2013, p.586). Conclusion In conclusion, there are many factors in consideration when developing and maintaining a successful organization. It’s important to develop a strategy to meet organizational goals. Looking at the success and failures of existing organizations is an invaluable strategy in developing and maintaining organizational victory. Team â€Å"A† reveals the circumstances regarding the failure analysis of an hotelier and how a CEO leads an organizational change processes to prevent an impending failure of the company, which specific organizational behavior theories could possibly explain the company’s failure or success, and the organizational change identifying the most vital areas for change with recommendations from John Kotter’s 8-step plan. References Aquino, J. (2011).15 Companies that died in the past year: Business Insider, Retrieved June 24, 2014, from Farfan, B. (2014). Apple Inc. mission statement is not very innovative and barely a mission at all. Retrieved from–Mission-Statement.htm Finkle, T. A., & Mallin, M. L. (2010). Steve Jobss and Apple Inc. Journal of the International Academy of Case Studies, 16(7), 31-40. Hull, P. (2012). Be visionary. Think big. Retrieved from Issacson. W. (2012). The Real Leadership Lessons of Steve Jobss. Retrieved from: Real Leadership Lessons of Steve Jobss – Harvard Business Review Lashinsky. A. (2011). How Apple Works: Inside the world’s biggest startup. Retrieved from: Apple works: Inside the world’s biggest startup McCarty. D. & Kary. T. (2010). Apollo Investment’s Inkeepers USA Trust Files for Bankruptcy in New York. Retrieved June 29, 2014 from: Robbins, S. R. & Judge, T. A. (2013). Organizational behavior (15th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall. Sullivan. J. (2011). Talent Management Lessons from Apple: A Case Study of the world’s most valuable firm. Retrieved from: Toma, S., Ph D., & Marinescu, P., Ph D. (2013). Steve Jobss and modern leadership. Manager, (17), 260-269. Retrieved from Worlds most admired companies. (2011). Retrieved from Yukl, G. (2013). Leadership in organizations (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson /Prentice Hall. Retrieved from: (LDR/531)/ context / cdg/ view/activityDetails/activity/270c6ef7-2f01-4c47-8c71-5ba7a9d19509/ expanded/False

Monday, July 29, 2019

Autonomous Learner Characteristics

Autonomous Learner Characteristics INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the study Looking back in time, English language were used once during the Cambodian Republic Regime (1970 – 1975), but thereafter, English was completely banned during the Genocidal Regime of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge; in 1993, for the first National Election in Cambodia, English language emerged again in this country with the arrival of United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC) (Narith, 2008). Since then the popularity of English language has gradually grown among Cambodian people. According to Crystal (1997) indicates that English language gains its popularity in the world due to political power, military power and economic power. In Cambodia, because of local and international business, international non-governmental organizations, job requirements, consumerism, computers and mass media, young people are encouraged to learn English as a foreign language (Narith, 2008). Further, Igawa (2008) studies about English language an d its education in Cambodia states that â€Å"communicative competence in English means a better job and a better pay for Cambodian people†. That is why English language is encouraged and promoted to learn. Concerning English language learning, Cambodian students culturally seem to be respectful, obedient, and passive towards their teachers. This happens because of the traditional classroom, which is commonly practiced and mainly focused on teacher-centered approach. This approach offers fewer opportunities to students to engage in their learning, because the teacher always plays a role as a knowledge transmitter to students. Moreover, there is little interaction among teachers and students. The teacher usually spends a great deal of time speaking and explaining in the class; while students are required to sit passively and listen to the teacher attentively (Wang, 2007). However, after the communicative language teaching has emerged in Cambodia over the last ten years, the ro le of teacher and student has been gradually changed in modern classroom. In other words, there is a shift from a teacher-centered approach to a learner-centered approach, which offers students more possibilities to actively engage in their learning process. Since this shift occurs, learners are viewed as the main source of information for learning process, which the practice of learner autonomy begins to grow in language learning and teaching (Benson, 2001). Holec (1981) was the first person who coined the term â€Å"learner autonomy† and defined it as â€Å"the ability to take charge of one’s own learning†. Autonomous learning encourages a very active role of learners and focuses on greater students’ initiative rather teacher-centered direction. (Eyob, 2008). Tudor (1993) also states that learner-centeredness is not a method, nor may it be decreased to a set of rules. It is, however, an approach, which views students to have more active and participator y roles in the learning and teaching process than in traditional approaches. Additionally, this approach requires different classroom activities, the structures of which are decided by students themselves resulting in increases in students’ involvement and motivation. There is also a parallel change in the teacher’s role in learner-centered classrooms. The teacher is less likely to dominate classroom events in contrast to traditional classrooms where the learning environment is teacher-centered and teachers are considered as authorities.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Driving and texting Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Driving and texting - Research Paper Example Checking of the emails in smart phones among the US citizens is a rampant incident that leads to destructive driving. Driving as well as texting at the same time can be very dangerous to the lives of individuals for it can cause many accidents. Institutions that is responsible for enacting laws to put this act to stop by coming up with guidelines to the use of phones while driving. Laws, rules and procedures need to be used to illegalize the act of driving while texting to keep save the lives of persons from accidents (Jaytay). Using of mobile phones does distract drivers in many ways of which it includes; physical destruction, instead of paying much attention the physical tasks that are required while driving. Gear changing and steering are the physical tasks that an individual need to concentrate on while driving. The driver has to use one or both of their hands to operate the phone. The next distraction is the visual destruction. Mobile phones distract an individual while driving in two ways. That is the driver has to move their eyes to and from the road and concentrate on the text. Secondly, while operating the phone, the eyes should be on the road and hence are not properly positioned to the road thus causing accidents (Darden). Sound is another form of distraction caused by texting. Here, attention will move from the road and directed to the sounds of the emails and messages that enter the phone. It normally applies when the phones sound is of poor quality. In addition, some people are cognitively distracted during the process of texting. In this case, thoughts of the driver diverted from the road and redirected into the conversation that is going on the phone (Evans). All the forms of destruction by mobile phones are the highest cause of accidents in various roads, and the most affected generation is the youthful generation. In other states, restrictions are major to minors and individuals who just acquired the license. Other institutions

Postgraduate degree application personal statement Essay

Postgraduate degree application personal statement - Essay Example crisis since I was extremely interested in understanding; how and why the global economy, and Hong Kong in particular could be affected by events in far of places such a wall street or even the Euro Zone. Particularly after the global financial crisis, I immersed myself in an incisive study of any material that might illuminate the subject, be it on the internet or magazines such as, Newsweek and the Wall Street journal. Compounding these with my undergraduate studies, I can consider myself well furnished with background information as well as current affairs in the business world. The new face of business that has been facilitated by globalization also holds considerable interest to me, and I aspire to acquire a better understanding of new and emerging economies as well as the economic blocs being formed such as the Eurozone as well and examining the challenges that they are encountering. I would also like to research and study the changing dynamics of the international economies, especially the future of emerging Asian Economies that are playing a bigger role in the global economy. I also hope to study the effect of this on western economies, bearing in mind that many European nations seem to be undergoing a myriad of near crippling economic problems. I realize that XXXX University has an international reputation and is synonymous with excellence; furthermore, I am aware of diversity in the students and professors. I consider your institution appropriately placed to meet my needs since I am aware of the practical nature of the courses offered, which allow learners hands on experience, profoundly enhancing their skills and abilities. Furthermore, I look forward to being a part of the global campus rotational program, which allows your students to experience their subjects from the perspective of different countries. My application at your university for post graduate course is in line with my ambition and long term plan to work in the field of business.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Is the Fiscal policy of India Sustainable Dissertation

Is the Fiscal policy of India Sustainable - Dissertation Example The staggered recovery in the economy has apparently terminated the growth dynamics of major industrialized economies and the developed nations. The declining growth rates of the household and the shyness of the business market has been adversely affecting the world trade and the employment scenario simultaneously. The huge funding requirements of the banks and the sovereigns can be also regarded as one of the major problems of these nations. On the other hand the emerging and the developing markets in the global platform at the same time are growing at an accelerated rate2. Similarly one of the world’s developing nations i.e., Indian economy has grown rapidly since the beginning of the 1990s despite a large and growing fiscal deficit and rising public levels relative to output. Despite the economic upheaval in the time span of 2007-09 and the downsizing of the global events particularly the random fluctuations in the movement of the prices of the crude oil, the economy of Ind ia has faced remarkable growth and has worked on the further growth and development in their economic conditions with consolidated enhancement in the key macroeconomic indicators3. The Indian economy with a strong economic base and resilience, encountered a solid growth rate of around 8.4 percentages during the phase of 2010-2011 with the emergence of one of the fastest developing countries. The agriculture sector has followed strong performance inculcated with strong pace of growth in the industrial and services sector. The Growth rate in Gross Domestic Product around a percentage of 8.4 can be highly attributed to the magnificent growth rate in major sectors like growth in transport, storage and communication (14.7%), financing, insurance, real estate & business services (10.4%), trade, hotels & restaurants (9.0%), and construction (8.0%).The growth rate of the primary sector i.e. agriculture, forestry & fishing has shown a high growth of 7.0 per cent during 2010-11 in comparison to around 1.0 per cent during the year 2009-10. The growth of the secondary sector is 7.2 per cent and that of service sector is 9.3 per cent during 2010-11. In this case the fiscal policies adapted and implemented by the government is stupendously crucial as it is one of the most significant parameter in the determination of growth rates and development4. Thus the basics of the fiscal policy and its relevance with respect to the Indian economy will be explained in the subsequent section. The crux of the fiscal policies generally refers to the combination of several practices of the government with respect to revenues, expenditures, and debt management. The fiscal planning mechanism is generally done within the context of Public Services Program (PSP), Operating Budget and the Capital Improvements Program (CIP)/Capital Budget reflects and helps shape fiscal policy. The process of budget not only reflects the fiscal policies currently in action but it is itself a major propelling veh icle for the determination and the implementation of such policies. The fiscal policies are not general sets of rules or norms which are taken as yardstick of measurement but they are basically variable sets of rules which changes with the change in the economic environment of an economy5. The implications of the fiscal policies are immense as because the continuous fiscal imbalances and the

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Bank of America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Bank of America - Essay Example Presently, the bank is the biggest institution of finance services globally. The Bank of America is the second largest commercial bank globally, continuing to record the best credit ratings despite the credit crunch in the 1970s (Johnston, 1990). The Bank of America has a variety of leadership and talent programs which enable it to nurture and promote talent among both the existing employees and upcoming and promising talents. As a result, the bank has put in place various talent management programs that have led to its success in the industry. This paper will evaluate the strength of the talent management program, assess available opportunities for growth and recommend the best approaches in dealing with the challenges in the talent management program. Talent Management Programs That Led to Success for the Company Bank of America has for a long time been a leader in talent management, especially in the financial services sector. The main philosophy of the bank in connection to manag ement and development of talent is steered by a number of principles which guide the company in creating the way forward that is supported across the executive ranks of the bank. According to Effron, Greenslade and Salob (2005), some of the principles include: Leaders are important people in the process of managing and steering accountability, output and tradition. Rules of performance where excellent performers have high ability. The most precious resource is the person’s talent. The current excellent performers are not fundamentally future top performers. A wide set of experience and exercise is the preeminent lesson; but a mutual approach is essential for growth. Venture in the top talent and spotlight the rest. The current best 100 performers leave a heritage of potential talent by training, guiding and being the exemplars to others on features of success. In putting this philosophy into practice, the efforts of talent management and growth of the bank are modeled on the main set of systems consisting of the core values of the bank which have a common 70-20-10 growth framework. When broken down, the model represents 70% of experience based growth, 20% of training and response and 10% of learning (Goldsmith, 2006). The main objective is to have a transitional growth for the leaders at every phase of the leadership development and a constant evaluation to have an intense in-depth analysis into the knowledge, leadership potentials, susceptibility and aspiration for top executives. This joint philosophy and system give room for an incorporated approach to management of talent and development of leadership that centers on promoting the current performance and shaping the future leaders. With this kind of firm foundations for the growth of leaders already in place, the Bank of America has shifted its attention to upgrading the top team’s line of sight to the bank’s high ranking 50 executives and selecting leaders with the ability to take up positions at the top level of the bank for the next five years of operation. The action program has been named Next Generation Leadership forum which comprises intensive evaluation program as a section of the experience in learning process (Goldsmith, 2006). Using these evaluations, every member is assessed based on experience, inspiration and leadership potentials by use of a multifaceted evaluation tools, observation and interviews. The merging of intensive evaluat

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Kurdish winter Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

The Kurdish winter - Movie Review Example The documentary â€Å"The Kurdish Winter† is considerably long, as it runs for approximately one hour. The film mainly involves various Kurdish victims of the Kurdish genocide. These through narrations, tell their stories of what happened then. They also share knowledge on the various challenges they continue to face today in the world as Kurdish people. As highlighted, this documentary aims at revealing the truth to the world about the Kurdish situation. This, therefore, adopted the enlightenment theory of truth, as a major way or technique through which documentary could present its truth. In this case, this documentary aims at ensuring that after watching, the audience is able to think critically. The audience will, therefore, be better placed to comprehend how the real Kurdish situation is, and apart from the notion provided by the mainstream media.Screening this documentary was one of the most important exercises I was involved in. I considered this as an opportunity to j udge the feedback from the public, basing on the reactions of the audience present at the time of screening the documentary. This would, therefore, give me a clue on the level of impact the documentary will make after receiving a wider audience from different parts of the world. When screening a documentary, there are different challenges that one should expect; however, this depends on the nature of the documentary to be screened. In my case, I although I was keen enough to follow the right procedures of screening a documentary, this did not shield me from various challenges.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Acquisition of English Simple Past Tense Essay

The Acquisition of English Simple Past Tense - Essay Example And every ethnic Spanish or Chinese citizen of USA (or any other citizen of the country, for that matter) is expected to have a good knowledge and understanding of the English language. They try to learn the English language, some of them, late in their lives, if they have come to the USA, late in their lives, and that is not an easy task. In fact learning any second language late in life is not at all an easy task for anyone, mostly because the grammar and structure of each language is unique in some respect or other and the difficulty of mastering a language increases in direct proportion to the age of the learner.Chinese is equally a widely spoken language, with considerably more than a billion people being very proficient in that language. (, languages. html, retrieved August 27, 2006.) And Spanish does not lag far behind, with 410 million people claiming the language as their first language. ( We analyse in this paper some aspects of language acquisition by considering the pattern of ‘simple past tense’ in Chinese, Spanish and in English. All languages have a system of grammar which is a body of rules specifying what sequences of sounds or words are correct in forming sentences while speaking or writing in a particular language. Many grammar books exist in almost all languages dealing with rules for speaking or writing the particular language concerned, or a particular analysis of the rules of the language. An early English language grammar published in the USA was in 1831 written by Noah Webster, entitled ‘An Improved Grammar of the English Language’, which may be consulted now in the libraries of the British Museum in London, and of American Universities like Harvard and Michigan. ( Corpora and Childes It was stated above that there are difficulties in acquiring the knowledge and use of a second language. To investigate the possible minimisation of that difficulty, a thorough search was made of the ‘corpora’ and ‘childes’ web sites in the internet. The word ‘corpora’ literarily is the plural of the word ‘corpus’, which means â€Å"a body, living or dead; the corporeal substance of a thing†. In the study of language acquisition, corpora are a technique often used by linguists as the raw material from which language description may be fashioned. Corpora can provide the basis of empirically justified, linguistic observations on which to base CALL (Computer-assisted language learning) materials. Additionally, the corpora themselves may become the raw material of CALL based

Tuesday, July 23, 2019


QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS-SEEN EXAM - Coursework Example 2. By using or combining several time series of cross section observations, panel data provide â€Å"more informative data, more variability, less collinearity among variables, more degrees of freedom and efficiency† as per Baltagi’s discussion (1995, p. 3-6). 3. Panel data are able to study better the dynamics of change because the panel data technique is able to cover repeated cross section of observation across time. Thus, panel data is believed to more appropriate than either of the two methods (cross section and time series analysis) in the study of situations like successive waves of minimum wage increases across localities and local minimum wages and over time 4. Panel data can detect and measure effects better than what purely time series and cross-section data can do. 5. Panel data are able to study complicated behavioural models like economies of scale and technical change---better than what pure time series and pure cross-section analysis can do. For example, panel data can study the interaction of the variables involved over time, which cannot be done by pure time series data. 6. By covering more units over time, panel data can minimize the biases that may result as data are aggregated. In 1995, Baltagi pointed out that time series and cross-section studies were not controlling for heterogeneity and run the risk of obtaining biased results (p. 3). For example, Baltagi (1995, p. 3) cited for example that consumption of cigarettes is often modelled as a function of lagged consumption, price, and income but the specification of the same function can vary across countries, state, and time. Baltagi 1995, p. 4) added that panel data are able to control for location specific and time invariant variables while a time-series study or a cross-section study cannot at that time. As panel data can cover heterogeneity, Baltagi (1995, p. 4), not accounting for country heterogeneity can cause serious specification error. In addition, Baltagi (1995, p. 4) said that panel data are able to study the dynamics of adjustment. Meanwhile, Verbeek (2008, p. 655) said that the main advantage of panel data over either time series or cross-section analysis is that through panel data, economists are able to specify more complicated and realistic models than a single time series or cross-section data can do. (b) Explain the intuition behind the fixed effect model (FEM) and describe the least square dummy variable (LSDV) and the time demeaned approaches to estimating a FEM. [30 Marks] Verbeek (2008, p. 359) defined the fixed effects model as simply a regression model in which the intercept terms vary over the individual units. Gujarati (2004, p. 642) pointed out that the main intuition behind the fixed effect model or FEM is that although the intercept may differ across individual elements, each specific intercept does not change over time or is time invariant. The methods for estimating the fixed effects model (FEM) are the least square dummy variable (LSDV) and the time demeaned approaches towards estimating the FEM. In the LSDV method, the main instruments for capturing the fixed effects are dummy variables. The time demeaned variable approach to FEM modelling, reconstruct the basic model yit = ? + ?xit + uit as departures of a variable from its mean over time or yit - i ?(xit - i ) + ( uit - )i) where the values with bars denote the time mean of the said variable (Brooks

Colonial and Revolutionary Eras in America Essay Example for Free

Colonial and Revolutionary Eras in America Essay The colonial and Revolutionary eras in America are not so chronologically distant, yet they are two very different times for America. These two eras are very important parts of America’s history. The transformation of colonial America to Revolutionary America is quick but drastic. To be a colonial American would mean solely relying on God. An American at that time would center their whole life around God. They believed they did not personally own anything. For example, in Anne Bradstreet’s poem â€Å"Upon a Burning House†, Anne implied that it was wrong to feel sorry for the loss of your house or family, because the Puritan belief was that everything is owned by God. Anne considered herself lucky because she was left with the most important thing of all; her life (Chin 78). Anne Bradstreet most captured my attention with her writing style and her pure love of God. Puritans believed that â€Å"if God should let you go, you would immediately sink and swiftly descend and plunge into the bottomless gulf† (Chin 103). It was easy for the British to keep people of the Puritan lifestyle under its crown because of their religious beliefs (Kiracofe) The Revolutionary era is when the colonists began to become more opinionated. The start of the Revolutionary era was when the British began taxing sugar. The sugar act lead to a boycott of buying all British imports. The Boycott put the British in great debt and was eventually repealed. At that point, the colonists discovered that they do have a say in their government. The people of America began relying on logistics and facts instead of their faith. This lead to the Revolutionary war, also called the War of Independence (Higginbotham). More and more people began speaking their mind, such as Phillis Wheatley, an African American who writes a Revolutionary piece of art, praising George Washington for fighting and leading in the Revolutionary war. The colonists began to become more and more individualized from the British. The whispers of rebellion turned into shouts after the Stamp Act. The farmers and merchants of America quickly transformed from strongly religious and peaceful men, into soldiers of the Revolutionary war. Colonial and Revolutionary Americans are two very different groups of people. The colonists were Puritans which means they were highly religiously dependent. Although the Revolutionary Americans did believe that there was a God and that he was on their side, they took their own initiative and fought for their freedom from Britain’s crown. If it were not for Revolutionary thinkers such as Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, George Washington, and the men who fought for this country, America would still be under the British laws and taxation. We would not have the rights and freedoms we have today. The Revolutionary war has made America for what it is today.

Monday, July 22, 2019

American Idiot Essay Example for Free

American Idiot Essay The song that I chose to write about is titled American Idiot by Green Day. This song was on Green Day’s album titled American Idiot. This album was originally released in 2004. American Idiot, the song, peaked at number 61 on the Billboard Hot 100. My reason for choosing this song is that it talks about how the media runs society and how people shouldn’t let the media run their lives. The main social issue that is talked about in this song is how the media runs our lives and society. One of the lines in the song is â€Å"Don’t wanna be an American idiot, one nation controlled by the media. † This line refers to how people in America rely heavily on the media for everything. They trust every word that is printed in a newspaper or magazine or said on television without question. People hang on every word that is pumped through the media. I don’t consider this to be a personal problem because it refers to all people being controlled by the media. It is not as if the singer in the song is the only one that the media affects. Media is worldwide ways of letting people know what is going on around them. What Billy Joe Armstrong is saying throughout this song is that people need to realize is that not everything that a person hears is necessarily true and people should not panic just because of what the news says. Green Day is an American rock band that was formed in 1987. the group consists of three members: Billy Joe Armstrong(vocals), Tre` Cool(drums), and Mike Dirnt(bass). In 1988, they signed to Lookout Records and then in 1989 they released their first EP titled 1,000 Hours. However, the band didn’t have much success until it released the album Kerplunk in 1993. After Kerplunk’s success, Green Day proceeded to leave Lookout Records and sign with Reprise Records. In 1994, they released their first major label debut, Dookie. Over the next few years, Green Day would have much success but then decided to take a break in 1996. They returned in 1997. When they returned, they began to work on a new full-length album. This album was entitled Nimrod and was released in October of 1997. This album deviated from their normally pop-punk style of music and gave listeners a variety of music. They didn’t release another album until 2000 when they released Warning which further continued their new sound that they started with Nimrod. After releasing Warning, they were nominated for 8 awards in the California Music Awards. They won all eight awards. The band then continued their success over the next few years. In 2004 the band released American Idiot. And then in 2006 they won the Grammy for record of the year because of the track Boulevard of Broken Dreams which spent 16 weeks at the top of the charts. The lyrics to American Idiot are as follows: â€Å"Dont wanna be an American idiot. Dont want a nation under the new mania. And can you hear the sound of hysteria? The subliminal mindfuck America. Welcome to a new kind of tension. All across the alienation. Everything isnt meant to be okay. Television dreams of tomorrow. Were not the ones whore meant to follow. For thats enough to argue. Well maybe Im the faggot America. Im not a part of a redneck agenda. Now everybody do the propaganda. And sing along in the age of paranoia. Welcome to a new kind of tension. All across the alienation. Everything isnt meant to be okay. Television dreams of tomorrow. Were not the ones whore meant to follow. For thats enough to argue. Dont wanna be an American idiot. One nation controlled by the media. Information age of hysteria. Its calling out to idiot America. Welcome to a new kind of tension. All across the alienation. Everything isnt meant to be okay. Television dreams of tomorrow. Were not the ones whore meant to follow. For thats enough to argue. †

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Management of ICU Delirium

Management of ICU Delirium 1. Introduction In the critical care setting, haemodynamic failure is recognised by monitoring the patient’s blood pressure and pulse and treatment may involve fluid resuscitation or the use of inotropic agents (Webb Singer, 2005). In respiratory failure, the patient’s respiration rate and oxygen saturations are closely monitored and ventilatory support is sought (Cutler, 2010). Just like the heart and lungs, the brain can acutely fail in critical illness. An acute disturbance in brain function is recognised as delirium (Page Ely, 2011). Historically, delirium was accepted by the medical and nursing community as an inevitable consequence of the ICU experience (Shehabi et al., 2008). More recently, delirium is beginning to gain acceptance as a serious condition in the adult intensive care unit (ICU) and early identification and timely treatment is essential so as to reduce the detrimental effects on patient outcomes (Arend Christensen, 2009 Boot, 2011). Nurses are well-positioned to not only detect discrete fluctuations in levels of consciousness but to also minimise modifiable risk factors and to prompt doctors to review the critically unwell adult (Page Ely, 2011). However, there is a growing recognition that delirium in the ICU is misunderstood and underreported by health professionals and hence continues to cause cognitive dysfunction in affected patients (Wells, 2010). This introduction discusses delirium in adult patients hospitalised in the ICU; specifically nurses’ knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and current practices regarding ICU delirium, and presents the literature review problem, question and the aim and objectives. The literature has used numerous terms interchangeably to describe cognitive impairment in the ICU. There are references to ICU psychosis (Justice, 2000), ICU syndrome (Granberg-Axà ¨ll, 2001), acute confusional syndrome (Tess, 1991), and acute brain failure (Lipowski, 1980; cited in Page Ely, 2011, p. 6). The multiplicity of terms in the literature may explain why the condition has not received the degree of prioritisation it deserves (McGuire et al., 2000). The above expressions are gradually being superseded by a more widely accepted expression termed ‘ICU delirium’ (Boot, 2011). Criteria set by the ‘Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders’ (DSM-IV; American Psychiatric Association, 2000) describes delirium as a disturbance of consciousness (i.e. limited awareness of surroundings) and cognitive fluctuations (e.g. a memory deficit); the onset is over a short period of time and the syndrome is a consequence of a physiological condition. There are three subtypes of delirium; namely: hypoactive, hyperactive and mixed delirium. Page Ely (2011) provide data on the prevalence of delirium: One in five adult patients hospitalised in the ICU develop delirium. A higher incidence occurs in ventilated patients (four out of five patients). A considerable body of research is dedicated to the investigation of the adverse effects of delirium on patient outcomes. A prospective cohort study by Girard (2010) concludes that the duration of delirium in ventilated patients in the ICU is an independent predictor of cognitive impairment up to 1 year following discharge. This conclusion has far-reaching implications for the growing population of patients who are concerned about the preservation of cognitive function following hospitalisation during a period of critical illness. Similarly, Ouimet et al., (2007) used a prospective study design to conclude that delirium increased the risk of mortality in a population of 820 patients admitted to the ICU for a period of more than 24 hours. In addition to this, delirium was associated with an extended period of hospitalisation. The implementation of preventative measures, early recognition tools and the timely delivery of treatment may prove useful in the preservation of cognitive funct ion in affected patients (Boot, 2011). Although there are several assessment tools available for ICU patients, the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE, 2010) recommends the use of the Confusion Assessment Method for the ICU (CAM-ICU; Ely et al., 2001). The tool has high validity for detecting the delirious non-intubated patient (Ely, et al., 2001); however the symptoms of hypoactive delirium such as lethargy and drowsiness are not always recognised by the CAM-ICU (McNicoll et al., 2005). The topic of this review was selected based on observations made in clinical practice; for example, it was witnessed that very few delirium assessments were being performed in the ICU and subsequent conversations with critical care nurses reinforced the perception that approaches to delirium monitoring in the ICU are inconsistent. In an attempt to address this clinical problem, the topic of ICU delirium was selected as the main focus of inquiry for the present research. So as to construct a relevant and well framed review question it was necessary to explore the literature pertaining to this clinical problem. In a telephone-based questionnaire study conducted in the Netherlands (Van Eijk et al., 2008) it was concluded that 7% of the ICUs surveyed in this nationwide study routinely practiced delirium monitoring using a validated tool such as the CAM-ICU; despite the presence of international guidelines that advocate delirium assessment practices. Ely et al., (2001) states that very few institutions routinely practice delirium monitoring despite well-documented adverse effects associated with the syndrome. The implications of this are that timely diagnosis and the implementation of management strategies are prevented (Ista et al., 2014). Boot (2009) proposes that nurses in the ICU may not have the appropriate level of knowledge to guide nursing practice. On the contrary, Wells (2012) states that a lack of knowledge may not fully explain why nurses do not engage in delirium monitoring and that the reason lies with the barriers to delirium as identified by Devlin et al., (2008) such as difficulties in assessing intubated patients. An alternative explanation is that nursing practices are based on the deep-rooted belief that delirium is an expected consequence of critical illness (Boot 2009). Undoubtedly, a lack of scientific attention given to the topic of ICU delirium may have contributed to a lack of general awareness (Page and Ely, 2011). In recent years, there has been a growing recognition in the literature and clinical practice that a change in attitude is required, which may need to be supported by educational efforts. Prior to introducing a change in attitude; it is first necessary to understand why so many nurs es are failing to incorporate screening into their routine practice (Wells, 2010). In an attempt to gain an improved understanding of the perceived barriers, beliefs, current practices and knowledge levels of critical care nurses, Devlin et al., (2008) identified nurses’ responses regarding delirium monitoring in the ICU using a questionnaire design. One of the main findings from this study was that nurses who did not routinely practice delirium monitoring were unaware that the syndrome was underreported and that delirium is characterised by fluctuating symptoms such as levels of consciousness. The study’s findings bring to attention a severe deficit in nurses’ knowledge relating to questions about delirium in the ICU. Mention should be made here of an important limitation of the study, that is, the results are only representative of 331 nurses in the Massachusetts area of North America. By employing a systematic search strategy to identify similar research, a synopsis of the level of support required to alleviate the clinical problem will be c reated (Aveyard, 2010). There appears to be no published evidence of an attempt to produce a systematic review that has explored critical care nurses’ responses in relation to delirium and delirium monitoring in the ICU. In light of this, the present review will explore this gap in research evidence at the level of a literature review in which a selected body of literature will be critically appraised. 1.1 The Review Question ‘What knowledge, practices and attitudes do critical care nurses have about delirium and its assessment in the ICU?’ 1.2 Aim and Objectives The aim of this review is to critically appraise primary research studies to reveal the knowledge, practices and attitudes of critical care nurses regarding delirium in the ICU and its assessment, whilst identifying implications and recommendations for clinical practice. The following objectives describe the individual steps that will be undertaken as part of this review: To employ a systematic search strategy to retrieve primary research articles that are relevant to the research question as specified above, through the use of inclusion and exclusion criteria. To use appropriate databases and hand searching techniques to identify additional articles that are relevant to the research question and that meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria. To critically appraise the selected research articles using a validated appraisal tool so as to establish their research quality and reliability. To extract the findings from the selected articles so as to effectively answer the research question. To draw conclusions from the findings whilst discussing the limitations of the review and implications and recommendations for clinical practice. Word count 1447 References American Psychiatric Association. (2000) Diagnostic and statistical manual mental disorders. 4th ed. Washington DC: Author. Arend, E. Christenson, M. (2009) Delirium in the intensive care unit: a review. Nursing in Critical Care, 14 (6): 145-154. Aveyard, H. (2010) Doing a literature review in health and social care. A practical guide. 2nd ed. London: Open University Press. Boot, R. (2012) Delirium: a review of the nurse’s role in the intensive care unit. Intensive and critical care nurses, 28 (3): 185-189. Cutler, J. (2010) Critical care nursing made incredibly easy. London: Lippincott Williams Wilkins. Devlin, J. W., Fong, J.J. Howard, E.P. et al. (2008) Assessment of delirium in the intensive care unit: nursing practices and perceptions. American Journal of Critical Care, 17 (6): 555-566. Ely, E.W., Inouye, S.K. Bernard, G.R. et al. (2001) Delirium in mechanically ventilated patients: validity and reliability of the Confusion Assessment Method for the Intensive Care Unit (CAM-ICU). The Journal of the American Medical Association, 286: 2703-2710. Girard, T.D., Jackson, J.C. Pandharipande, PP. et al. (2010) Delirium as a predictor of long-term cognitive impairment in survivors of critical illness. Critical Care Medicine, 38 (7): 1513-1520. Granberg-Axà ¨ll, A., Bergdom, I. Lundberg, D. (2001) Clinical signs of ICU syndrome/delirium: an observational study. Intensive Critical Care Nursing, 17 (2): 72-93. Ista, E., Trogrlic, Z. Bakker, J. (2014) Improvement of care for ICU patients with delirium by early screening and treatment: study protocol of iDECEPTIVE study. Implementation Science, 9: 143. Justice, M. (2000) Does ICU psychosis really exist? Critical Care Nurse, 20: 28-39. Lipowski, Z. J. (1980) Acute brain failure in man. Springfield , IL: Charles C Thomas. McGuire, B., Basten, C. and Ryan, C. et al. (2000) Intensive care unit syndrome, a dangerous misnomer. Archives of Internal Medicine, 160 (7): 906-909. McNicoll, L., Pisani, M. Ely, E. (2005) Detection of delirium in the intensive care unit: comparison of confusion assessment method for the intensive care unit with confusion assessment method ratings. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 53: 495-500. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) (2010) Delirium: diagnosis, prevention and management [online]. Available from: [Accessed 13 January 2015]. Ouimet, S., Kavanagh, B.P. and Gotfried, S.B. et al. (2007) Incidence, risk factors and consequences of ICU delirium. Intensive Care Medicine, 33 (1): 66-73. Page, V. Ely, E. W. (2011) Delirium in critical care (core critical care). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Shehabi, Y., Botha, J. A. and Ernest, D. et al. (2008) Sedation and delirium in the intensive care unit: an Australian and New Zealand perspective. Anaesth Intensive Care, 36 (4): 570-578. Tess, MM. (1991) Acute confusional state in critically ill patients: a review. Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 23: 398-402. Van Eijk, M.M., Kesecioglu, J. Slooter, A. J. (2008). Intensive care delirium monitoring and standardised treatment: a complete survey of Dutch intensive care units. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 24 (4): 218-221. Webb, A.R. Singer, M. (2005) Oxford Handbook of Critical Care. 2nd ed. Oxford UK: Oxford University Press. Wells, L. G. (2010) Why don’t intensive care nurses perform routine delirium assessment? A discussion of the literature. Australian Critical Care, 25 (3): 157-161. 1

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

Pomacea insularum Pomacea insularum commonly known as the apple snail is a species of snail from the class Gastropoda. P. insularum are found in warm wetlands habitats. They are capable of fast growth rates and reproduce many offspring which increases their capability to quickly invade different ranges. Recently this species has been spreading through southern United States and altering the environments in which they are found. The Pomacea insularum species in round in shape and is usually brown, black, and yellowish tan. P. insularum may reach 150 mm in length or the size of an apple. Their offspring are large egg masses that are a bright pink color. Pomacea insularum look very similar to Pomacea canaliculata making it difficult to properly identify. To better control the invasive species P. insularum it is important to understand the native range, invasive range, and related species. The known native range of this species is Argentina, Bolivia, and Brazil. The Apple Snail generally inhabit areas with slow moving or stagnant waters in lowland swamps, marshes, irrigation canals, streams, ponds, lakes and rivers. Currently the species is invading in several areas of the world including several countries in the Asian and European continents. Another continent that P. insularum is found in is North America specifically the southern United States. States that have the species are Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Louisiana, and Texas. The first sighting of P. insularum in many of these states were in the 2000’s while in Texas the first sited was 1989. A study done by Howell surveyed 393 sites in Texas and P. insularum was found in 53 of the sites. The snail was found in low densities in ponds and streams but in agr... ...dling age from two to five weeks resulted in significant reductions in snail damage. Management of the apple snails may have to target the entire genus of Pomacea since there are so many invasive species of Pomacea in the United States. Forecasting the potential range of the Pomacea insularum is important for management of the species. Pomacea insularum lives in habits that are generally warm and composed of wetlands. Currently P. insularum is found in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Louisiana, and Texas. These states all have areas that are warm and have wetlands. Under current climate conditions Pomacea insularum should not spread much farther through the United States. Along with the right climate P. insularum needs the waters to be ph that is greater than 5.5. If the ph levels are lower than this number the snail’s survival and persistence declines.

Solution to the Foreclosure Crisis Essay -- Foreclosures, USA,

How real is the mortgage foreclosure problem in America? How did it come about? What are some possible solutions? First of all, the problem is so big that almost everyone knows someone who lost their house because of a foreclosure, and this is new. It didn’t used to be that way. Listening to the stories of foreclosure evictions provides an eyewitness viewpoint of how it happened. This is important because it provides a background against which to decide solutions. The overhang of foreclosed homes for sale is pummeling home prices and laying waste to entire neighborhoods. In the process, consumer spending has suffered mightily and deepened the recession as Americans have seen the value of their most important assets, their homes, are falling in value. There were a lot of different factors that went into the development of the problem. There was buying a house that cost more than the people could afford, and there was taking on a mortgage payment that had monthly payments that were really high. There was the problem, too, of people who had no savings after they bought their house, so if anyone got sick or lost a job they couldn’t make their payments. Finally, experts are not sure of the solution to the foreclosure problem. They have thought about encouraging lenders to â€Å"renegotiate†. Renegotiation means sitting down and hammering out another agreement, maybe having the bank accept a lower mortgage payment and forgiving some of the balance. Banks tend not to want to do this because they think that if they just take back the property and sell it to someone else, they will not lose any money, but is that really true? And what are the advantages and disadvantages of renegotiation? We will consider each question in turn. First of... ... not have empty, vacant houses. Property taxes will continue to flow into government and everyone will have a win-win situation. WORKS CITED Adelino, Manuel, Kristopher Gerardi and Paul S. WIllen â€Å"Why Don’t Lenders Renegotiate More Home Mortgages? Redefaults, Self-Cures and Securitization.† Public Policy Discussion Papers. July6,2009 accessed Dec8,2009 Carr, James H. Housing Policy Debate. Responding to the Foreclosure Crisis. Volume 18 Issue 4 2007. 837-860 Mills, Bart. â€Å"Residents Hang on To Homes†. The Lima News Dec 12,2009. Spader, Johnathan S. and Roberto G. Quercia. Mobility and Exit from Homeownership: Implications for Community Reinvestment Lending. HousingPolicy Debate volume 19 Issue 4. 2008. 675-709. Wikippedia. Foreclosure. Dec7,2009

Friday, July 19, 2019

Apocalypse Now :: Stereotypes Arrogance Americans Essays

Apocalypse Now What is the stereotypical American? When one asks this question there are two general answers. An American would probably respond with characteristics such as hard working, free, and compassionate. A person from somewhere else in the world will probably have a very different answer to this question. Usually Americans can be seen as arrogant, dangerous, and hypocritical. Not a very good reputation to have, but the strangest part about it is most Americans either don’t know why people think of them this way or don’t care. For those that don’t care, ignorance will continue to be bliss, but for those who wish to know why people around the world think of them there are a few avenues they can explore. One of the most powerful is cinema. There are a number of great films that explore this subject in detail, and shed light on a perspective most Americans may not be familiar with. Two such films are Lars Von Trier’s portrait of everyday American life ca lled Dogville, and the other is Francis Ford Coppola’s war epic Apocalypse Now. Although both films are quite different, both emphasize and reinforce the negative stereotypes associated with Americans (â€Å"What the World Thinks of America†). Arrogance is the first trait generally associated with Americans. In Apocalypse Now, American arrogance is personified by the character played by Robert Duvall. Duvall’s character is the commander of a group of helicopters in Vietnam. It is explained throughout the film that Duvall’s character is invincible. He and everyone else knows that he will survive the war. With that degree of comfort Duvall stomps around Vietnam spreading freedom and killing scores of people. In his role in Apocalypse Now, Robert Duvall exemplifies the arrogant American soldier He goes around the world killing others, spreading his values, and not caring about the results. Von Trier’s film Dogville also examines stereotypical American arrogance. The first example of this comes from the character of Thomas Edison Jr. as played by Paul Bettany. Throughout the film, Bettany’s character attempts to change the beliefs and actions of the people within his town. While his struggle may be for the best, the fact that Bettany is trying to force his ideals on others is a very arrogant stance. Another example comes from the character of Grace as played by Nichole Kidman. Apocalypse Now :: Stereotypes Arrogance Americans Essays Apocalypse Now What is the stereotypical American? When one asks this question there are two general answers. An American would probably respond with characteristics such as hard working, free, and compassionate. A person from somewhere else in the world will probably have a very different answer to this question. Usually Americans can be seen as arrogant, dangerous, and hypocritical. Not a very good reputation to have, but the strangest part about it is most Americans either don’t know why people think of them this way or don’t care. For those that don’t care, ignorance will continue to be bliss, but for those who wish to know why people around the world think of them there are a few avenues they can explore. One of the most powerful is cinema. There are a number of great films that explore this subject in detail, and shed light on a perspective most Americans may not be familiar with. Two such films are Lars Von Trier’s portrait of everyday American life ca lled Dogville, and the other is Francis Ford Coppola’s war epic Apocalypse Now. Although both films are quite different, both emphasize and reinforce the negative stereotypes associated with Americans (â€Å"What the World Thinks of America†). Arrogance is the first trait generally associated with Americans. In Apocalypse Now, American arrogance is personified by the character played by Robert Duvall. Duvall’s character is the commander of a group of helicopters in Vietnam. It is explained throughout the film that Duvall’s character is invincible. He and everyone else knows that he will survive the war. With that degree of comfort Duvall stomps around Vietnam spreading freedom and killing scores of people. In his role in Apocalypse Now, Robert Duvall exemplifies the arrogant American soldier He goes around the world killing others, spreading his values, and not caring about the results. Von Trier’s film Dogville also examines stereotypical American arrogance. The first example of this comes from the character of Thomas Edison Jr. as played by Paul Bettany. Throughout the film, Bettany’s character attempts to change the beliefs and actions of the people within his town. While his struggle may be for the best, the fact that Bettany is trying to force his ideals on others is a very arrogant stance. Another example comes from the character of Grace as played by Nichole Kidman.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Explain the Life and Death of the Iceman

There are many different theories and conclusions about the death of the Iceman. Konrad Spindler, who led the team studying the body, concluded that Iceman was a shepherd living in a farming community close to the Val Venosta. Iceman was well equipped for long absences and his general health was good although he did have some health problems. Most scholars’ opinions however, are conflicted about how and why he died. According to Spindler, Iceman was a shepherd and may have lived in a farming village near the Val Venosta. Most historians agree that Iceman came from the Val Venosta are because of the similarity in flint found on Iceman and at the Val Venosta site. Perhaps the most convincing reason that Iceman came from the Val Venosta was that it was only 20km, a few hours walk, away. Konrad Spindler’s research in 1993 revealed harvested grains in his clothing and the threshing remains in his ember carrier. These, coupled with evidence that the Iceman did not make his own clothes (due to clumsy attempts at repair), suggest contact with a farming community. This tells us that the Iceman could have lived in a village or town close to the Val Venosta, and, that he died soon after the harvest. Judging by the equipment he was carrying, the Iceman had probably had experience travelling away from his village as his tools and weapons enabled him to hunt and defend himself. The Iceman carried with him a yew bow, a quiver made from a fur bag with a hazel wood rod tied to the side for support. 4 arrows (12 of which were incomplete), a flint knife with an ash handle and scabbard, an axe with a copper blade attached with leather thronging. Two mushrooms on leather strips for â€Å"medicinal† purposes. A retoucher for Iceman’s dagger, arrowheads & axe, a net of grass strings, a backpack with hazel wood frame. Two cylindrical birch-bark containers, and, a belt pouch & contents such a flint scraper, a possible drilling tool, a blade for carving, an awl for punching holes in leather and tree fungi, possibly for tinder. All these weapons and pieces of equipment would have helped the Iceman to defend himself from other humans or wild animals. He would have also been able to hunt for sufficient food to sustain himself. Based in the evidence, historians have assumed that Iceman may have been a shepherd and the weapons used to defend his flock. Based on his equipment, an equally valid theory is that the Iceman was a nomadic hunter. We can never be sure of his exact occupation. Iceman’s general health was relatively good, however, he did have some health problems. His health problems included; a low level of lead pollution, a high cholesterol reading (with some blood clotting on the heart), degeneration of bone joints, and, worn teeth. Despite these health issues, Iceman died between the ages of 35-40, quite old for that period of time. The Iceman’s body also bore several injuries because, on his left, were fractured ribs that had healed over time and, on the right, he had four broken ribs. The ribs are estimated to have broken 2-3 weeks before his death because his right arm showed signs of not having been used to lessen the pain. The tattoos on Iceman’s body were once thought to have had some ritualistic meaning, but, after bone scans were done the degeneration of his bone joints became known, the historians concluded that the tattoos were a treatment for the pain he was feeling. Many scholars have different opinions over how and why the Iceman died. Konrad Spindler’s theory is that, returning to his village after the summer grazing in the Alps, he was then involved in some violent incident and was forced to flee. The evidence Spindler presented to back his theory was the quality of Iceman’s equipment. Some of it was damaged or lost, indicating prolonged use with no chance to repair or replace items. Spindler’s other evidence was the broken ribs which supported his idea of a violent incident. In 2001 a CAT-scan revealed an arrowhead embedded in the Iceman’s shoulder. This told historians that Iceman had definitely been involved in a violent incident and, in 2002, the arrowhead was examined and it was discovered that the arrow had come from the Southern Alpine region. Professor A. Pedrotti concluded that the arrow had probably been fired by Iceman’s own people. In 2003, DNA analysis of Iceman’s clothes and weapons indicated blood from several people. The blood of two people was found on one arrowhead alone. Dr. T. Loy argued that Iceman had fired his arrow into two enemies, retrieving the precious weapon each time. However, he too had been wounded in the back, and had bled to death in the place he was found 5000 years later. There have been many different theories regarding the life and death of Iceman. If any new evidence comes to light the doubtless there will be many more theories surrounding him. But, possibly the most agreed on theory is that of Konrad Spindler who claims that Iceman was a shepherd ;living in a farming community close to the Val Venosta. He was well equipped for long absences and his general health was good but he did have some health problems. The Iceman then died after a violent dispute with some of his own people. And, while that seem very likely, there will still be many conflicted opinions about how and why the Iceman died.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Eastern Religious Philosopher Quotations

CheckPoint Eastern spectral Philosopher Quotations Siddhartha Gautama Buddha Health is the sterling(prenominal) gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship. oI chose this bring up because Siddhartha accustomed his brio to find balance and clarification. He grew up with wealth and being shield from human suffering, and wanted to search for something deeper. This restate shows that he found something deeper from the materialistic intent he led early on (s9. com, 2009). Lao Tzu To know that you do not know is the best. To pretend to know when you do not know is a disease. o Tzu believed that even the wisest of humans is politic ignorant, and this refer reflects that thought process. He was very implicated in how we should alive and distinct slipway that a good society is governed. This extract reminds us that we can always be open to learning and discovering even when we have in mind we have mastered something (Axia College, 2008). Chuang Tzu Do the clouds grade rain? Or is it the rain that makes the clouds? What makes it condescend so copiously? oTzu believed that life was interim and that pursuing wealth was acting in vein and foolish.He felt that this interest distracted a person from genuinely seeing the world and its meaning. Tzu wanted to heart at nature from a different perspective, and by asking the questions in his abduce enabled a deeper look into this idea (Chebucto, n. d. ). Confucious What you do not want dvirtuoso to yourself, do not do to others oConfucious taught that to establish ones experience humane point of reference was important and could be done by following positive role models from the past. citizenry can always let on themselves by means of learning and servicing others.It makes sense that a man who believes these principles would excerpt such a simplistic, yet profound statement (Axia College, 2008). Mencius -With victorian nourishment and c ar, everything grows, whereas wit hout proper nourishment and c are, everything declension oI chose this iterate for Mencius because he felt that if mountain wanted to become a better person, they would have to make the choice to qualify their life. He thought that anything can din if given the proper care, and was optimistic close to humans and their potential (Axia College, 2008). Hsun Tzu If there is no dull and determined effort, there entrust be no brilliant fulfillment. oTzu took portions of Taoism with Confucianism and added his own beliefs which are known to be a bit more pessimistic. Tzu founded a civilise and some of his students were philosophers and the future prime take care of Chin. It is no wonder that he would express that effort is guideed to attain achievements (Bookrags, 2005-2006). Hui Neng If we are treading on the path of enlightenment we need not be worried by stumbling blocks. Provided we keep a constant spunk on our own faults we cannot go widely from the right path oHui Neng s quote reminds me of the underdog winning a game.Considering he was unknowledgeable and yet can have strike his patriarch to be his successor is unbelievable. This quote exemplifies that although there will be difficulties in our lives we should continue to improve ourselves and recognize our faults (Bookrags, 2005-2006). Dugan Kigen jump for joy in your birth in the world. oI deal this quote from Dogen because he believed in practicing to achieve a blissful life. nevertheless though there will be ache and suffering in the world, if you are to live life according to the Tao, life can still be joyful (Axia College, 2008).Murasaki Shikibu To be pleasant, gentle, calm and self-possessed this is the rear of good taste and charm in a woman oMurasaki was a feminine author that inspired many with her writings. This quote best represents her ideas feelings that although women were looked upon as non-equals to men, they can still pursue philosophical enlightenment (Axia College, 2008). Yamaoto Tsunetomo in that respect is nothing so painful as regret oYamaoto followed a Samurai tradition and believed we live in a world with remove that is unpredictable and constant.Being prepared for these changes and sojourn problems will help to lessen pain and regret. References Axia College. (2008). Eastern Influences. Retrieved from Axia College, PHI105 Introduction to Philosophy website. Bookrags. (2005-2006). Hsun-tzu Biography. Retrieved from http//www. bookrags. com/ register/hsun-tzu/ Chebucto. (n. d. ). Chuang Tzu The Next Voice. Retrieved from http//www. chebucto. ns. ca/Philosophy/Taichi/chuang. hypertext markup language s9. com. (2009). Siddhartha Gautama. Retrieved from http//www. s9. com/Biography/Buddha

The Effect of Deforestation to Human Lives

De timberation is increase as a orbiculate concern. In recent old age dis timbreation has risen to dangerous levels. This reason is mainly due to the detail that most plenty capture no idea what deforestation is. This lack of precept has ca hightail itd legion(predicate) changes in the global economy. The concerns no monthlong center on on deforestation but in the loads it will entertain in our surroundings in the future. This issue has sparked national attention. It has caused a concatenation of recent plans and policies to be introduced. Also it has brought us in concert as a nation to fight a common problem. Deforestation is the clearing the earth of forest or trees.Many people do not even know that this problem exists, although it may be occurring dependable in their own neighborhoods. The causes of deforestation atomic trope 18 broad. It used to be thought that the lumber labor was much to blame, when in fact the constancy is rattling low. most(prenominal ) of the knowledge domain was used for various different reasons such(prenominal) as building and outlandish expansion. The land is used for growing crops and livestock grazing. In many cases the ? Slash and Burn? method is used. This is where the farmers cut brush up and burn forests to get to the land that is feasible for farming.Most of the tropic soils be very poor in nutrients and butt end only support crops for a fewer years. When the soil has been exhausted it is either abandoned or turned all(a) everyplace for livestock grazing. The effects of deforestation on the environment be numerous. The reduction of forests upsets the full(a) ecological hertz. The forests are home to a number of positions and animals. When a forest is cut down, the consentaneous cycle suffers. Most of all the forests act as a coulomb ? sink?. That is they wait on to take in carbon, a green house gas, and offset its effect on the atmosphere.Also trees and plants on a forest go off hel p to supply an alternative start of fossil fuels. Tree set is in like manner healthy for urban development. They help with heating and cooling be to be lowered. There is evidence from the UN sponsored Intergoernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that came out in 1990. This organic law records the change of climate control and has the best of these handle prepareing for it. It predicted that if our economy keeps releasing emissions as we are that our annual temperature would increase at 0. degrees per decade over the next century.This is beyond what the earth has experienced over the past 10,000 years? (Muller Introduction). We presently are increasing at a rate of 0. 5 share per year. To get these levels back to normal we would soak tree up to have a cut in emissions by over 60%worldwide. The expectantest producer of these carbon gases is the fervent of fossil fuels. ? With dear 5% of the worlds population, the unite States currently accounts for 20%of both total w arming payload and carbon dioxide emissions? (Muller Intro. ).Congressional concern over slipway to reduce deforestation has grown. They center mostly on developing countries where the deforestation is most rapid. Many bracing plans and programs are being introduced to help aid with the issue. The major organizations working on deforestation are the tropic fores seek action Program, the International Tropical Timber organization, the joined Nations Conference on Environmental and Developmental Forest Principles and Agenda 21 chapter on forests, the U. S. Forests For the Future Initiative, and the globe Bank.Some of these are centered strictly in tropic deforestation. The Tropical Forestry Action Program (TFAP) was started in June of 1985. Its purpose was to slow down the tropical deforestation and help countries develop plans to help with their counseling of such issues. It was a correlation of the World Resources Institute, the World Bank, the United Nations Developmental Program and work by the UN provender and Agricultural Organization (FAO). The program is developed to help aid tropical countries in the reduction of deforestation.shortly 90 developing countries are participating-38 African countries, 20 in Asia and the Pacific, and 32 in Latin the States and the Caribbean. (Fletcher, Lyke 6) The objectives of the plan are as follows. They plan center on five major issues in tropical countries. These were defined by the 1987 TFAP. h Forrest in land uses. Action is this area is at the interface betwixt forestry and agriculture and would maneuver at integrating forestry into agricultural systems in order to conserve the resource install for agriculture, and, in general, achieve a more shrewd use of the land. h Forest based industrial Development. Planning in this area would promote earmark forest-based industries, reduce waste, and develop the marketing if forest industry products.Fuelwood and vitality. Action in this area would aim at restor ing fuelwood supplies in the countries affected by shortages through unlike assistance and support for national fuelwood and wood energy programs, development of wood-based energy systems for rural and industrial development, regional training and demonstration, and intensification of research and development. h Conservation of tropical forestry ecosystems. Action planned in this area would aim at conserving, managing and utilizing tropical plants and wild animal hereditary resources through the development of national networks of protected areas, the planning, caution and development of individual protected areas, and research into the management of tropical forests for sustainable production. h Institutions.Goals would be actions to recall the institutional constraints impeding the conservation and wise use of tropical forest resources by strengthening globe forest administration and related governmental agencies, to comprise forestry concerns into developmental planning, pr oviding institutional support for individual(a) and local anaesthetic organizations developing professional, technical and vocational training, and to improve lengthening and research. (Fletcher, Lyke 6-7) The funding for the project is provided by governmental and private sources. It plans on spending roughly eight one million million dollars over the next five years (1985-1991).It would be divided among the five areas just mentioned. There have been numerous criticisms about the plan. Mostly it has been that it is on the fact that it is concentrating mostly on the deforestation factor and impuissance to recognize other environmental issues. It has been said to specify groups of people. Also, they fail to get to the real source of deforestation, which to some, are things such as over population and poverty. They avow that it doesn? t give any incentives or sanctions. Although this centers more on the tropical regions, at that place are also many other plans to help out in ou r areas.The easiest way to combat deforestation is through reforestation. This is, lay new trees. This does not mean just handout out and planting seeds, but actually planting grown trees. There needs to be educated environmentalist who know what they are doing to plant these trees. We can not just go and place them anywhere and expect then to work to their potential. They need to be strategically placed in areas where they can work the best that they can. This is not to say that everyday people can? t help. We can definitely all try.By planting a tree we can do our best, epoch making the world a more beautiful place. Deforestation is an increasing global concern. In recent years it has risen to dangerous levels. This is due to the fact that many people do not even know what it is. This lack of program line has caused the problem to get to intense levels before in that location has been any plans to reverse its effects. Its effects are effecting the whole ecological cycle, an d if not dealt with could lead to an ecological disaster. Although there are many companies out there to try and solve this problem, many people have a common misconception.They believe that we could all just plant trees, and save the world. Although tree planting would be great that is not true. There needs to be the right trees planted in the right areas, where they can work to their highest potential as carbon sinks. This way they can help to reduce carbon in the atmosphere, while looking beautiful. Wouldn? t it be nice if we could just have a world with normal carbon levels covered with beautiful trees? Personally I would quite a look at a beautiful oak or maple rather than a cloud of smog. So, in conclusion, we can all try to help, plant a tree.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Advanced Audit and Assurance Essay

These brief n peerlesss esteem the pedigree riskinesss face up Grohl Co, and appoint and explain cardinal risks of visible misstatement to be considered in intend the size up of the monetary statements for the grade terminate 30 November 2012. In addition, both honorable egresss be discussed and germane(predicate) actions recommended.(i) chore risks merchandise goods sub tell fluctuationsGrohl Co relies on a nock out piece of its toil surgical process be import from oversea. This exposes the fol impoverished to replacement array excitableness and consequentially currency flowing fluctuations. The lodge chooses non to diminish this risk by exploitation forwards de entrapise contracts, which whitethorn not be a wise outline for a commerce so reliant on imports. flip-flop gains and deprivationes posterior in addition casing unpredictability in profits, and as the beau monde already has a passing for the year, both adverse movements in change judge whitethorn promptly ontogeny this loss.import goods battery-acid issues lowering cartel on imports content that superman speak to pass on be high, and with terminate cost keep to cast up this volition lay drive on Grohl Cos margins. It is not barg and the cost that is an issue trust on imports is unstable as deliver could be disrupt delinquent to line problems, such as the introduction of aircraft by and by volcanic eruptions or terrorist activities. opinion on merchandise goods increases the likelihood of a termworn out. Unless Grohl Co keeps a apt take aim of tomentum outfit as inventory, performance would start to be halted if fork over were interrupted, creating godforsaken time and inefficiencies, and do loss of guest good leave behind. belief on one provider in all of Grohl Cos bulls eye fit is supplied by one overseas provider. This level of assurance is highly risky, as some(prenominal) breakdown to the provide rs operations, for example, payable to financial difficulties or governmental interference, could military issue in the retrenchment of supply, lede to equivalent problems of credit line outs and halted harvestingion as discussed above. theatrical role falsify issuesSince appointing the bare-ass supplier of blur wiring, Grohl Co has afterwards see tonus constraint issues with rope boards, which could military issue in losing customers (discussed nurture below). This whitethorn pay been collectible to ever- changing supplier as give away of a cost-cutting exercise. presumptuousness that the raw supplier is overseas, it whitethorn make end the feeling swan issues more difficult. spare be whitethorn establish to be incurred to find the step of goods received, for example, extra be in semblance to electric scrutiny of the copper wiring. The keep companys operate margins for 2012 are already low at only 4% (2011 72%), and special cost willing put nevertheless cart on margins. High-technology and agonistical constancyGrohl Co sells into a high-technology industry, with computers and restless phones world put forward to rapid product development. It is liable(predicate) that Grohl Co will consider to conciliate cursorily to changing demands in the marketplace, alone it may not pose the resources to do this.