Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Why most teenagers envolve in premarital sex free essay sample

Sex, is the most basic biological definition of any natural process by which a new cell is produced through a recombination of genes from two different parent cells. Broaden definition, the insertion of a penis into an oral, anal, or vaginal opening, and a wide variety of behaviour that may or may not include penetration, including intercourse between members of the same gender. People engage in sexual intercourse for a variety of reasons. It can be intimate form of communication between people, giving physical and emotional pleasure. The traditional definition of human sexual intercourse is penile-vaginal penetration, for the purpose of conceiving a child or new human organism. The sex roles refers to the behaviour and characteristic that are considered both typical and desirable for males and females in a particular culture. From the earliest moments in life, a persons gender influence and is influenced by societys understanding of what it is to be female or male. But why some people doing this for pleasure, happiness and or an extra curricular activities that without provision by an old one? This is one of some question that come in the mind of people interested in this topic. Sex roles are learned through interactions with the other people, especially parents, teachers, and peers, as well as through portrayals of people in the media, they vary from individual to individual and from society to society. Even within a given culture, individuals can vary in the degree to which they adopt the sex function. Some people may not restrict their behaviour to one sex-roles type buy may adopt behaviours socially associated with both female and male sex roles. How sex arose is lost in the geological record? Asexual organisms lacking cell nuclei also take part in a process in which nuclei-acid fragments are transfered, but some biologists do not regard this as ancestral, to the sexual process of cell division observed in more advance life-forms. To some biologists the persistence of sex in evolutionary history is hard to understand, because in many ways it is less efficient than other processes. The exchange of genetic material is commonly viewed as advantageous because some of the new organisms well be more successfully adapted to environment than were the parent forms; in addition, the exchange can also be viewed as lessening the effect of harmful mutations through repair of damaged genes. Other theorists, however, point out that these processes are advantageous only in terms of species, whereas natural selection, viewed nonpurposively, should work at the individual level. Some scientists even propose that sex be seen as a parasitic mechanism for nucleic-acid transference the first appeared in viruses end to which other forms of life have had to adapt. Although this is an extreme view, the why of sex remains an interesting controversy in biology study. Sex is one of the major components of persons definition of him- or herself and others. Children learn very early to label themselves as girl or boy. In cultures that emphasize sex-role identity, these self-labels become an important part of a persons concept of self. There are some evidence that children actively seek out models and information about sex, apparently to maintain a stable self-identity as girl or boy. Because sex roles carry with them prescriptions for behaviour with others, individuals need to know the sex of the person or persons with whom they are interacting, if for no other reason than to feel comfortable. Sex hormones, which are essential for the normal sexual development and function of the reproductive system, are produced mainly by the male and female sex organs, otherwise known as gonads. Biochemically, these hormones are steriods; they are known as androgens, estrogens, and progesterone. The hypothalamus and pituitary regulate the secretion of these hormones at puberty and during the reproductive phase of adulthood. However, sex hormones are required in mammals to maintain sex drive and potency. Most females can mate only during estrus, or heat, at certain times of the year, which concides with ovulation and, thus maximizes the potential for procreation. A human female, however, can enjoy a normal sex life at any stage of her cycle as well as after removal of her ovaries or following menopause. Unlike in other mammals, ovulation in human females is not marked by a change in behaviour, pheromone release, or other sign obvious to males. The degree to which biology controls behaviour reflects, in part of choices a society makes. A society may choose either to emphasize or to compensate for biological predispositions. For example, if females have a biological predisposition to learn nurturant behaviour is more readily than males, a society could make an extra effort to foster nurturant behaviours in males. On the other hand, it could exaggerate the difference by putting more emphasis on nurturance in females. The nature of a society and its economy are related to the different positions of women and men. Human sexual development involves certain basic biological processes that begin with conception and continue on into maturity. Social influences are also involved in sexual development. Influence may vary from culture to culture according to value systems, stereotypes of masculinity, ferminity, convertion and taboos of sexual behaviour, and childrearing philosophies. Psychological attitudes and emotions are also affect sexual development,and these vary from individual to individual. Cultures differ from sable differences in sexual attitudes conveyed to children by their families. Emotions arise in response to family experiences as will as to other social experiences. These emotions can influence sexual development powerfully. The relationship between substance use and adolescent sexual activity is an important one, and extensive literature has shown that substance use is positively associated with adolescent sexual behaviors. While this is true, causality from substance use to risky sexual behaviors is difficult to establish, as it is likely that an adolescent’s sexual behavior and substance use depend on a set of personal and social behaviors, many of which are unmeasured. Despite attempts to determine the causal relationship between substance use and sexual behavior, the nature of the relationship remains unknown. Society, being hesitant and unable to resist influences brought by peers was pointed as a common factor for sexual engagement to both the male and female gender . Distinctly, on male adolescents, it was pointed out that â€Å"significant associations with substance (tobacco, alcohol, or drug) use, involvement in gang activities, permissive attitudes regarding premarital sex, lack of confidence in resisting peer pressure to engage in sex, and perception that one half or more of their friends were sexually active† were some of the causes that links teenage males to sexual plays. Yet, viewing pornography, including Internet porn, was indicated as the strongest factor to sexual orientation. On contrary, the strongest predictor of sexual intercourse on female adolescents is experiences of sexual abuse. As a matter of fact, history of said kind of abuse may be pointed as a big cause to voluntary sex by females. Comparing the main factors that lead to sexual activities by males and females, it will further reflect that females are in more risk and are more vulnerable to events, especially the unwanted ones, that made them get more affected and easily spellbound to the act of sex. However, the result of the study shows that the number of teenage men undergoing premarital sex and doing sex is relatively larger than of teenage women. In spite of this, peers being an influence to initiation of sexual activities among adolescents, either male or female, is not an entire and only probability because the study also opened the matter where connections to peers may also hold the teenagers away from any forms of sex. The study tells that closeness to peers, depending to the kind of company, may cause many different outcomes to adolescents’ attitude and perception on the act of sex. In our world today that highly civilized, highly modern, and highly liberated human knows everything in life in order to survive. As people says sex is one of the basic need to live and continue the life of generation of human being. This particular exercises involve interest in sex of individual having a right age and enough knowledge to this interest. But what if in this exercises engage our teenager? Would you mind the consequences of premarital sex? What are the causes they involved on it? Is there effect it in our life? In our surroundings? In our family? And what is the effect in our society? What are causes of premarital sex of teenagers? Is there a diseases to get when you involved in? And what possible therapy or action could apply to minimize this exercises? This are the questions that comes in our mind when somebody involved to exercises. And from this question, little by little we compiled information or knowledge to answered those question. Here now enter the desire for sexual expression that varies greatly from individual to another. Sexual expression is influenced by a multitude factors such as feelings of attractiveness, availability of partner,personal power, economics, cultural attitudes, genetics, religious beliefs, age, health, and gender. Humans have capacity to enjoy and engage in sexual activity throughout their lives. Almost everyone expresses themselves sexually through masturbation,intercourse, and other activities depending on their level of desire and other factors that influence their behaviour. The trend recently has been for adolescence to begin sexual activity earlier. The earliest sexual activity with others is more often with friends of same sex, because they are more familiar and less anxiety-producting. This kind of sexual activity seldom indicates future sexuality. Once youngster begin peting and genital fondling, they will usually experiment with intercourse within a few time, although do not and remain virgin until adulthood or marriage. By the end of the teens, a clear majority of young people have intercourse atleast once. The newly intense sex drive and a persons own body and response are so unfamiliar that sexual activity is mainly self-centered. Teenagers believe that he/she is devoted, but the real development need is to explore ones own sexual functions, sensations, and responses. Premarital sex is sexual activity practiced by persons who are unmarried. The prevalence of pre-marital sex has increased in both developed and developing countries. In some cultures, the significance of premarital sex has traditionally been related to the concept of virginity. However, unlike virginity, premarital sex can refer to more than one occasion of sexual activity or more than one sex partner. There are cultural differences as to whether and in which circumstances premarital sex is socially acceptable or tolerated. Social attitudes to premarital sex have changed over time as has the prevalence of premarital sex in various societies. Social attitudes to premarital sex can include issues such as virginity, sexual morality, extramarital unplanned pregnancy, legitimacy besides other issues. Premarital sex may take place in a number of situations. For example, it may take place as casual sex, for example, with at least one participant seeking to experience sex; it may take place between a couple living together in a long-term relationship without marriage; for a betrothed couple engaging in sexual activity before their anticipated marriage; and many other situations are possible. Teenagers who feel incomplete, inadequate and unappreciated are more likely to seek comfort in a sexual relationship. But those with a life rich in relationships, family traditions, activities, interests and most of all consistent love and affirmation are less likely to embark on a desperate search for fulfilment that could lead to unwise sexual decisions. Those who have a healthy, productive faith in God are more likely to have deeply rooted reasons to respect and preserve the gift of sex and to respect rather than explore it in others. Alcohol and drug use. Aside from reflecting problem attitudes (rebellion, poor self-concept, invulnerability) that make sex more likely, intoxication also clouds judgment and weakens resistance to sexual overtures. A steady boyfriend or girlfriend. Strong attachment sand feelings of exclusively invite nature to take its course, especially when physical expressions of affection begin early in the relationship. This is a particular risk in a situation where the boy is more than two or three years older than the girl is. If a teen romance appears to be getting hot and heavy and a lot of physical contact is already displayed, you will need to speak with both boy and girl diplomatically but candidly about the physical process they are setting in motion. Little parental monitoring. Leaving adolescents alone for hours at a time or not requiring accountability is a set up for sex. A parental belief that adolescent sex is appropriate. If you think premarital sex is okay, your adolescent will too and will act on that belief. A parental belief that adolescent sex is inevitable. Many parents who disapprove of teen sex have also concluded that it is as certain as death and taxes. Their approach to the subject will thus be double-edged: Dont do it, but in case you do, use this condom. Adolescents will get the message loud and clear and are likely to act accordingly. Low grade-point average/low attachment to school. While school performance is affected by a variety of factors, a basic desire to do well in school reflects a more hopeful outlook on the future and a willingness to put off immediate gratification for long-term goals. Teen sex, on the contrary, usually reflects ignorance of or little regard for consequences. This doesnt mean, of course, that every scholar is a bulwark of morality or that all who are not academically oriented are destined to be promiscuous. What ultimately matters is a persons commitment to basic values such as responsibility, respect for self and others and concern about the effect of todays decisions on the future. A history of physical or sexual abuse. These acts against children and adolescents violate their bodies, minds and hearts. Sexual abuse creates a grossly distorted view of sexual behavior, destroys boundaries, and drives a deep sense of worthlessness into the emotions. Whether the abuse occurred in the distant or recent past, adolescents with this history need on going support, counseling and prayer to help them develop healthy attitudes about themselves. Frequent family relocations. Moving generally stresses both parents and adolescents (especially if the kids resent the decision). This can erode parental authority and distract parents from involvement with their children. Bonds to social supports such as church groups that help prevent sexual activity are severed by multiple moves. Loneliness and loss of friendships may lead some teenagers to use sexual activity to gain social acceptance. These issues should be considered by parents who are thinking about a possible relocation. Only one parent in the household. Parenting was meant to be a team effort, and some risks will naturally increase when one parent is left to do all the protecting and monitoring alone. Some studies do indicate that adolescents living with a single parent are more likely to become sexually active than those living with both parents. Work and household demands can prevent single parents from being as involved and attentive as they need and want to be. And the divorce and desertion that sometimes lead to a one-parent home can make teens uncertain about the value of marriage as the setting for sexual activity and about the role of sexuality in parental relationships. This increased risk does not mean that adolescent sex is inevitable in single parent families. But it does place an additional responsibility on single parents to send their teenagers clear and consistent messages about sexuality. And it is one more reason for single parents to enlist as much support as they can. In our recent, Present, and possibly our future generations of youths, a precedent amount of youths take part in the contemplation and indulging of premarital sex. Teens of ages as young as 11 to 20 par take in dating and interactions, and sexual intercourse with the opposite sex some of early teenage to adolescent. Statistics show that in a percentage of youths that are dating at young ages lose their virginity within the first week upon dating. Boy likes girl,and girl likes boy. The opposite sexes attracts which ignites desires for interactions which then leads to dating which leads elsewhere and eventually ends with premarital sexual relations. Dating is the primary cause for premarital sex. Although other elements are included, Dating is where it starts. What is dating actually? Really,dating is any social activity in which your romantic interest is focused on one particular and that persons interest is focused on you. Whether on the phone or face-to-face, in the open or in secret, if you and a friend have a special romantic understanding and communicate regularly, its dating. Although In many cultures dating is regarded as a legitimate way for two people to become better acquainted with one another, dating should be an honorable purpose -to help a young man and women determine if they want to get married to each other. The period of life when sexual feelings and romantic emotions first become strong is quoted. It is at these periods in a young person life where the most cautions must be taken. Maintaining close association with one particular member of the opposite sex while in this phase can fan flames of desires and lead to premarital sex. Many youths are eager to experiment with sex. Influences from the world today promotes sexual relations outside of marriage. These influences (Pressure) come from our day-to-day interactions with our peers. Individuals experience unrelenting teasing and harassment for maintaining their virginity and values. This pressure gives social awkwardness to young individuals and pushes them to pair up with the opposite sex. Classmates may pressure couples to have sex. Believing that you must have sex to know if youre in love. Contrary to what some may think, taking improper sexual liberties doesnt mean that youre in love nor does it deepen a relationship. Many young ones today view relationships as transitory which in a sense prepares them for divorce rather than for marriage. Sex is a gift from God, one that we all can really-really enjoy, but in the right way. God condemns fornication. In the Bible,it describes all forms of sexual relations outside of marriage. Consequently, kissing, embracing, or doing anything that causes arousal can lead to premarital sex. The effects of premarital sex can cause individuals to take on life responsibilities that they have not prepared for. For instance, a married couple may have intentions on raising kids and starting a family. So with kids being the expected who are not married and have no intensions of marriage unexpectedly have children then these responsibilities are forced upon them. When we chose our marriage mates we include them in every aspect of our lives and harmonize together, but in terms to those who engage in activities meant for married couples, they then find themselves forcing there lives upon one another. This ties with the statement Pick the mate you want to Stick with, instead of the mate youre Stuck with. With the effect of young teens engaging in premarital sex we see young teen parents a responsibility given to the inexperienced. Hence the statement Babies raising Babies. In consequence, premarital sex is often an emotionally painful experience. After sex, the typical feelings most youths feel are embarrassment and ashamed. Sex in itself, is not wrong at any age; but premarital sex may harm the mental development of adults in several forms. Premarital sexual experiences, many a times, leads to the misconception that sex is to be enjoyed at whatever ways possible. Forced premarital lovemaking will lead to mental depression and dilemma. Another danger is possible exchange of diseases; as premarital partners may not be aware of diseases that spread through intercourses. Getting pregnant through premarital sex is another disaster. Emotional imbalances and guilt feeling could be the result of most premarital sexual affairs. To prevent premarital sex. Premarital sex is not approved by any modern society, yet, stories of adolescent fathers and mothers come out largely, especially from the highly civilized nations. Modern lifestyle has opened multiple opportunities for boys and girls to interact closely and deeply in public and private. They have ample chances to experiment the sexuality which they witness through internet and Television. Law can only threaten people, can never make them to not do something. The most effective way of defending premarital lovemaking is spreading awareness of healthy sexuality among children. Awareness of healthy sexuality is not at all the knowledge of safe sexuality. Train them to mingle with opposite sex in a mature way. Inspire them with mutual respect between man and woman. From the very childhood itself a baby should learn to accept people as men and women, the equal partners of life on earth; not as objects to fulfill lusty wishes and ambitions. Another one, sex therapy, the treatment of sexual disorder. In particular, sex therapy programs are directed toward the solution of such sexual problems as impotence, premature ejaculation, retarded ejaculation, painful coitus, sexual unresponsiveness, and other orgasmic disfunctions. A common assumption underlying many modern sex- therapy program is that sexual problems are often learned and hence can be corrected through relatively brief intervention measures. Intensive psychotherapy and medical treatment may be given when emotional disturbances or physical disorders, or both compound sexual difficulties. Sex-therapy programs generally attempt to help people by providing appropriate sex information; by alleviating anxieties and fears about sexual performances; and by facilitating verbal, emotional, and sexual communication between sex partners or even individual and sex-addicted. Sex instruction, followed by private home assignments in which a human practices newly learned, healthier way of interacting, is an integral part of many sex-therapy programs. CONCLUSION Premarital sex is a huge problem in society today. People everywhere are not waiting until they get married to have sex. People having sex today are not aware of the consequences that come with having sex. They just think it is fun and there are nothing other than fun comes with having sex. In conclusion, Dating prior to the bloom of Youth, Peer pressure and regular interactions with the opposite sex result in premarital sex. The effects is the shame of immorality. Sexual Abstinence Todays world is full of worries and problems which did not affect teens a generation ago. New problems keep appearing in todays world, such as STDs, increased pregnancy rates, and other factors facing teens who choose to have sex. Emotionally and physically teens and getting less developed before. If you engage in pre-marital sex, you will have lost something irrevocably, that is the state of virginity you could have offered a marriage partner. It is a very bad trade to make. If you have made this mistake already, you will have to live with whatever consequences come your way. However, you can confess the sin to God and repent of it, and continue in your walk in life.

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